100 for 100

To mark the milestone of our Centenary year in 2016, the SMBC Board developed a big, bold vision called 100 for 100 – that is, preparing one overseas scholarship student for each year SMBC has been in service.
Our aim is to provide the opportunity for men and women, who have no access to suitable theological education in their local overseas context, to study at SMBC.
Importantly, these prospective students will have been identified and endorsed by SMBC graduates on the field as being excellent candidates to undertake theological training. We see SMBC working closely, not only with our graduates, but with their partner agencies as well to assist in enabling this vision to be realised. Experience at SMBC shows, without a doubt, overseas students who train at SMBC go back to their country and local church better prepared to handle God’s word and nurtured to pastor and disciple more effectively.
Our prayerful desire is that the Christian community will engage with us to help banish the darkness by fully or partly funding 100 overseas scholarship students.
Please enjoy the prospectus (including costs) and videos presented below. Examples of what your gift can provide are:
$100 will provide some key textbooks and resources for a scholarship student for two subjects.
$300 provides one week's accommodation, meals and utilities for a single student.
$3,000 a month will enable a single student to enrol in a three year degree program such as the Bachelor of Theology.
$100,000 will be the foundation for a single overseas student being trained over three years.
SMBC is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commisssion