Graduate Attributes

Our prayer is that through studying God’s word and being prayerfully dependent upon his grace, SMBC graduates will, as disciples of Christ, be:

Gospel focused
Graduates will understand the grace of God. The whole of Scripture is focussed on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Graduates will have been introduced to the ‘big picture’ of the Bible and will be able to proclaim Christ as much from Deuteronomy as from the Gospel of John. They will be assured of salvation, be able to clearly articulate the gospel and have a heart for the lost.
This is a learning outcome of biblical, missions and preaching studies, as well as ‘ministry matters’.

People of bold conviction, perseverance, obedience, and prayer
To know Christ and his gospel is to have certainty of the truth. SMBC Graduates will be repentant, teachable, and live disciplined lives. They will know and understand that the Spirit they have received is not one of uncertainty but of power. Pursuing holiness, they will have lives marked by prayer, trust, and obedience to God. 
This is a learning outcome of biblical, theology, spiritual formation, mission and church history studies.

Godly communicators
Graduates will understand the importance of expository Bible preaching and will be able to apply this knowledge to a variety of contexts. Graduates will evaluate Christian and secular ways of thinking and engage biblically with the surrounding culture, speaking the truth in love.
This is a learning outcome of preaching, ethics, theology and biblical studies, as well as ‘expounding scripture’ tutorials, chapels and College mission.

People who have a heart for mission
God’s mission is world mission. SMBC graduates will have a love for all people, with a strong conviction to evangelise and build the church —not limited by national, ethnic, social or denominational boundaries.
This is a learning outcome of the interdenominational character of the College, College mission; ‘ministry matters’; missions, theology, church history and biblical studies.

People of warmth and love
To love Christ is to love all people, not just popular, strategic or favourite people. SMBC graduates will be generous and humble. They will be courageous in speaking the truth in love. Graduates will be flexible about all matters of indifference in which Christians can disagree, being in fellowship with other believers while holding varying positions on matters of indifference. They will also be effective members of a missionary/ministry team.
This is a learning outcome of spiritual formation, biblical studies and ethics studies; the  interdenominational character of the College; College mission; fellowship groups; College prayer triplets; and ‘ministry matters’.

Responsible and resourceful people
Graduates will demonstrate an ability to provide Christian leadership in the community of God’s people, while recognising relevant authority. Graduates will be life-long reflective learners and will seek to serve Christ’s church wholeheartedly.
This is a learning outcome of being under the leadership of faculty role-models, College mission; the SMBC community; spiritual formation, ethics, theology, biblical and mission studies.

Fired by a zeal for God’s honour
The College motto is ‘For the sake of his holy name’ and zeal for God’s glory will be a graduate’s all-consuming motivation.

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950