Kerr Library
The Kerr Library (located at the Croydon and Roberts-Dale campuses) connects students and teaching staff with essential resources for learning, teaching and research at SMBC.
The libraries are centrally located on both campuses. They provide well-lit, comfortable havens for study with over 90 student desks with access to electronic resources.

The library houses one of the strongest missions collections in Australia, along with comprehensive biblical studies, theology, pastoral and church history sections.
You can easily access print copies of over 42,000 books on our library shelves and over 1200 ebooks available 24/7 from anywhere. There are 90 student desks available, with 'hardwire' access to electronic resources.
Every year the collection has grown with the addition of more than 1,000 new titles and a growing number of electronic resources.
At the core of our electronic resources are:
1. Theological research databases
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
- ProQuest Religion Database
2. Multi-disciplinary reference tools
- Oxford Reference Online
3. EBooks from
- Ebook Central
- EBSCO Ebooks
- Cambridge Companions Online
- Oxford Handbooks Online
You will find access to these resources a significant aid to your studies.
Staff and Services
To ensure new technologies bring benefits to our learning community, the experienced library staff are there to assist you in becoming competent users and researchers.
You can access help from the library staff in whichever mode suits you, such as:
- from the staff at the library front desk
- by telephone - Croydon Campus Library: +61 2 9747 4780 ext 120, Roberts-Dale Campus Library: +61 2 9799 3824 ext 4
- through email
- by small group and one-to-one tutorials, as well as
- through reference guides and self-instruction media presentations on the student moodle, and
- information on the Kerr Library Website