Why Study at SMBC?

There are many good reasons to study at SMBC! As you prayerfully consider your options, here’s where it’s important to start:

Firstly, is Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations what drives you? Our needy world needs to hear about His wondrous offer of salvation, and before it’s too late. The world-wide church needs thousands more loving, Bible-soaked, missions-focussed Christians to bring the light of Christ to those in darkness.

Secondly, is it your desire to grow in Christlike character, godly obedience, courageous faith, and a deepening love for God and neighbour?  Taking time, (whether full or part-time) to devote to a deeper study of God's word is an incredible investment for serving  Jesus – whether you want to prepare for pastoral ministry, or cross-cultural mission, or simply want to be better equipped as a Christian in your workplace, home and church.

We encourage you to consider SMBC because:

You’ll belong to a richly diverse community centred on the Bible

Our interdenominational community includes men and women from a variety of cultures, backgrounds, levels of education, and life stages. Being interdenominational means our staff and students are affiliated with a variety of Bible-centred denominations and independent churches. It also sets SMBC apart from many other theological colleges. 

The value of being interdenominational is that it:

  • Allows you to step outside of your regular Christian community for critical thinking, reflection and sharpening of your beliefs.
  • Enables you to differentiate more clearly what is core to the gospel and what is secondary.
  • Helps you read the Bible better and apply theology more effectively when there are multiple voices in the discussion.
  • Encourages you to grow in listening skills, empathy and humility when different beliefs are embodied in faithful, thoughtful Christians studying with you.
  • Prepares you well for ministry in interdenominational and multinational teams whether here in multicultural Australia or overseas in a missionary context. See: Our Students

You’ll be formed holistically

At SMBC, depending on the course you choose, you'll study in depth the Old and New Testaments, theology, Christianity in history, ethics, biblical languages, cross-cultural mission, preaching and pastoral ministry. However, our aim is to not only grow your knowledge and understanding but importantly facilitate your spiritual growth and provide the skills to lovingly apply what you’ve learnt to ministry and mission.

Your holistic formation – theological, spiritual and practical  – is integrated into all our courses and community activities.

SMBC is also one of the few remaining Colleges to offer residential accommodation. There can be wonderful benefits to both studying and living on campus. See: Our Community

You’ll get alongside our engaged, experienced teaching team

Being mentored and prepared for ministry within your home church is an excellent way to ‘learn while doing’. However, coming under the teaching and mentoring of a whole team of biblical scholars, theologians, pastors and missionaries from diverse backgrounds and experience, adds an invaluable breadth and depth to your formation and preparation.

The SMBC Kerr Library houses one of the strongest missions collections in Australia, along with comprehensive biblical studies, theology, pastoral and church history sections. You can easily access print copies of over 42,000 books on our library shelves and over 1200 ebooks available 24/7 from anywhere. Every year the collection has grown with the addition of more than 1,000 new titles and a growing number of electronic resources.

Our lecturers regularly speak at conferences, preach in churches, publish books and articles, and engage with the latest thinking in teaching and learning. This engagement with the wider church and culture keeps their teaching current and relevant. See: Our Team

You’ll benefit from our expertise in cross-cultural mission, preaching and pastoral ministry

SMBC has two centres of excellence – the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission and the SMBC Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry. Together our centres reflect over a century of expertise in preparing men and women for mission and ministry.

The centres are staffed with experienced practitioners and offer workshops, conferences and practical hands-on opportunities with visiting experts in their fields. See: SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission and SMBC Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

You’ll obtain a highly respected qualification

A wide range of church denominations, para-church ministries and mission agencies seek out graduates from SMBC to serve with them. Along with the respect an Australian College of Theology award brings, these organisations appreciate the formation and experience that students receive at SMBC.

For those seeking opportunities to, for example, enter ministry in a closed country, or teach in a Bible college, the higher-level awards that SMBC offers provide appropriate accreditation. See: Courses

You’ll find a life-long network of fellowship and support

Once you become part of the SMBC family you’ll find there is a world-wide network of graduates who stay in touch and generously share their knowledge and experience. For those who study with a cohort, there are often life-long friendships formed that become key in supporting you on your Christian journey.

On graduating we encourage you to stay in touch with our lecturers and continue to use our library resources. We also equip and encourage you to stay on a path of life-long learning which can include further study options and ministry development. See: Ministry Development

If you'd like to chat further about any of the above reasons to study at SMBC, we encourage you to 

Ask us your questions

Come to an info session (in person or online)

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
E admin@smbc.edu.au
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950