
SMBC offers a number of scholarships to Australian (domestic) students. Please see below for information on the SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation and the S & M Werry Scholarship.

The SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Limited

The SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Limited (formerly known as The Annabel Charitable Foundation Scholarship & Bursary Fund) is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient with the Australian Taxation Office.



Applicants must be: 

  • Enrolled and accepted into a course of study with SMBC as well as enrolled in at least 12 credit points of study per semester;
  • Australian citizens or hold permanent residency status;
  • Resident in a state or territory of Australia for the calendar year of the bursary or scholarship;
  • Have not already received a bursary or scholarship through the SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Ltd for the calendar year being applied for. This includes if the spouse of an applicant has received a bursary or scholarship through the SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Ltd.

Application process:

  1. Submission of an application using this form.
  2. Request and receipt of pastoral reference (where not previously provided to SMBC).
  3. SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Ltd will consider applicants and distribute non-designated funds three times per year. You may choose a time that suits you, but typically only one application per year will be accepted. Deadlines for applications are as follows: the last day of Exam Week in Semester 2, the first day of Semester 1 or the first day of Semester 2. Check the college calendar to determine these dates. In some special cases, an application may be considered outside these timelines.
  4. The applicant will be informed of their success or otherwise following the review of their application.
  5. Funds will be applied as credit to the student's SMBC account. Students may request for funds to be paid to their personal bank account.

Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of:

  • Academic results;
  • Profile of cultural, community, evangelical or missionary activities;
  • Personal interview with the SASF committee;
  • Reference from a pastor or minister;
  • Willingness to contribute to promotions for SMBC whilst holding the scholarship or bursary;
  • Ability to adhere to and uphold the ethos of SMBC.

A Bursary/Scholarship means:

Money paid or determined to be paid to or on behalf of or to the benefit or use of a Recipient on an ongoing or one-off basis are to cover the expenses of school fees, textbooks, supplies, school uniforms, travel, boarding costs, special skills, drama, sporting, computing or music tuition, musical instrument hire, school camps and other related educational expenses. Note that there are some items of a general support nature other than SMBC fees e.g. travel, accommodation costs and so bursary or scholarship monies can also be used in this way. 


Eligible Donors may receive a tax deduction for their donation. These donations are then disbursed to endorsed students at SMBC or The Bridge gap year program which is operated by SMBC.

Who can my donation go to?

Your donation will be allocated to applicants endorsed by the SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation’s Scholarship & Bursary Fund Committee.  Under the rules of the Foundation, bursaries applicants must be either Australian citizens or have permanent resident status in Australia and be living in a State or Territory of Australia.

The Australian Tax Office’s regulations prohibit tax deductibility from family members of a scholarship or bursary recipient.

How is my donation allocated?

All donations are allocated at the discretion of the Scholarship & Bursary Fund Committee. The Scholarship & Bursary Fund Committee is happy to receive recommendations for consideration as to the disbursement of your donation.  Recommendations can be either for a particular endorsed applicant or to support the work of the SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation in general.  Please contact the SMBC Chief Operating Officer if you would like a non-binding recommendation of an endorsed student.

Is the total amount of a donation allocated to bursaries?

Yes.  No administration fee is charged.  100 per cent of your donation is allocated to scholarships/bursaries.

How do I claim my tax-deductibility?

All donations received will be issued with an official SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Limited receipt confirming the tax deductible status of your donation. Donors should check with their accountant/financial advisor as to the process to claim their donation in their tax return.

How do I donate?

To make a tax-deductible donation to assist eligible people who are training for Christian ministry and mission, please visit the donate page of our website

Please note if you would like to support one of our international 100 for 100 students, then your donation must be to the SMBC Foundation Scholarship Trust - 100 for 100 Appeal.  Please visit the 100 for 100 page of our website for further information. This trust fund for the 100 for 100 program is not currently tax deductible.

If you have any questions, please contact our registrars here

The S & M Werry Scholarship

For over 50 years, Stan Werry was a humble businessman, deeply gospel-centred and a significant financial supporter of many evangelistic Christian organisations through his business activities. Passing away in 2020, the directors of the company he established wish to honour Stan Werry and his wife May with the S & M Werry Scholarship in support of SMBC student accommodation* costs.

To apply for the S & M Werry student scholarship, you’ll be:     

  • An Australian citizen;
  • Focussed on, or have a strong desire to serve in evangelistic ministry at the conclusion of your study;
  • Preferably a residential full-time student at SMBC (*consideration will also be given to current SMBC students with the above attributes, who are not currently living on campus).

If this scholarship is of interest you can apply by preparing a letter (maximum 500 words) outlining why you are a suitable applicant, and emailing a pdf version to our senior registrar
Please note: Applications are required by 30th September each year to be in consideration for the following year's allocation.

Information on the 100 for 100 scholarship program can be found here

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950