
Teaching and Pastoral

Jasmine Lee

Lecturer in Christianity in History and Practical Theology; Learning Support


Role at SMBC:

As part of the Christian Thought team, Jasmine lectures in Christianity in History as well as in Practical Theology. She also assists students with learning support.

Prior to SMBC:

Jasmine studied Arts/Law at the University of NSW and on being admitted as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW, practiced law in the government and community legal sector. After completing her theological studies at SMBC, Jasmine worked as the Assistant Registrar at SMBC while preparing for overseas cross-cultural mission.  She served as a missionary with OMF International in SE Asia and was involved in student (high school & university) and young adults ministries in a large regional town.

Academic Interests:

Helping students appreciate the importance of history in their understanding and study of theology and missions.  Special interest in the modern missionary movement and the history of Christian spirituality on emotions and discernment. Keen to use her training as a Spiritual Director to enrich the growth of students in practical theology.

Speaking Ministry:

  • Women's events (evangelistic, pastoral and training) at various Sydney Churches
  • Bible talk at Power to Change
  • NCCC Women's Convention


Jasmine loves spending time with her family, especially her two nephews and niece. She loves food and is willing to try any edible foods (barring insects).

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950