
Teaching and Pastoral

Kristen Young

Director of Community and Student Care; Lecturer in Practical Theology

BA(Hons), BTh (Hons), Dip. Div. Miss.

Role at SMBC:

Kristen, as Director of Community and Student Care, oversees and promotes the community life of the college. It’s her passion to see holistic growth in students and to ensure that their time at college complements their church involvement. She oversees pastoral care and academic support for all students, as required, and lectures in practical theology units.

Prior to SMBC:

Kristen studied Psychology and English literature at Macquarie University (1992-1995), before commencing studies at SMBC in 1998. She and her husband have been involved in church-based youth and children’s ministry together in Lithgow since 2004. An author of over a dozen books for young people, Kristen has written both non-fiction and fiction, receiving multiple international awards for her work. More recently, she worked in a pilot program as a community chaplain with Anglicare Sydney (2018-2019), and has lectured and worked with students at Anglican Youthworks’ Year 13 Gap Year (2020-2021).

Academic Interests:

Practical and pastoral theology, spiritual formation and discipleship. Also the influence of narrative on faith formation, particularly in teens and young adults.


  • Young, K. Elite: Collective Underground Book 2. Phoenix: Enclave Escape, 2021.
  • Young, K. Apprentice: Collective Underground Book 1. Phoenix: Enclave Escape, 2020. Winner 2021 Realm Makers’ Book of the Year award and Science Fiction Realm Award, and 2021 Caleb Prize for Young Adult literature.
  • Young, K. What if? Dealing With Doubts. Sydney: Fervr, 2014.
  • Young, J. and Young, K. The Survival Guide According to Jesus for Boys. Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2012.
  • Young, K. The Survival Guide According to Jesus for Girls. Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2012.
  • Young, K. 1 Peter: Out of Darkness. Youthworks Bible Study Series, Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2011.
  • Young, J. and Young, K. The Survival Guide to Wild Wise Living for Boys. Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2010.
  • Young, K. The Survival Guide to Wild Wise Living for Girls. Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2010.
  • Young, K. The Busy Girl’s Survival Guide. Sydney: Youthworks Press, 2007.


Kristen is married to John (also an SMBC graduate), and they have three children. They currently live and minister in the Lithgow region, where John serves as the Youth and Families minister at Lithgow and Portland Anglican Church. 

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950