
Teaching and Pastoral

Rev Anthony Brammall

Vice Principal; Lecturer in New Testament

B.A.(Hons) (Sydney), Dip. D.&M. (SMBC), B.Th. (Hons) (SMBC/ACT), M.Th (MTC/ACT)

Role at SMBC:

Anthony’s role as vice principal sees him supporting the principal, caring for staff and building relationships between the College and ministry organisations. He oversees the day-to-day running of the college as well as lecturing in New Testament.

Prior to SMBC:

Anthony completed an honours degree in English and Psychology. He also trained as a registered nurse (Concord Hospital) and midwife (Royal North Shore), working in general and psychiatric units. After theological studies at SMBC and Moore College he taught part-time at both colleges. Anthony and his family served with CMS (1996-2003), teaching biblical studies and Greek at the Theological College of Eastern Indonesia.  He was ordained in 1997 by the Singapore Anglican Diocese. He has taught full-time at SMBC since 2004.

Academic Interests:

Pauline Epistles and Pastoral Epistles;  Gospel of John;  editing SMBC Press publications;  history of SMBC.

Publications and Research:

  • Never Going Home: Mabel Green and the Heart of Amazonia (SMBC Press, 2021)  (Available for purchase from the SMBC online store)
  • "Sydney Missionary and Bible College: A case study in Australian theological education," in Theological Education: Foundations, Practices and Future Directions (ed. Bain, Andrew and Ian Hussey; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2018) 119-132
  • Out of Darkness: 100 Years of Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC Press, 2016) (Available for purchase from the SMBC online store)
  • Review of Gordon D. Fee, 'The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians' (NICNT),  Themelios 35.2 (July 2010): 274-75
  • "Is death the end?" in 21st Century Living...1st Century Wisdom (SMBC Press, 2008) 97-108
  • "Refugees and asylum seekers," in 21st Century Living...1st Century Wisdom (SMBC Press, 2008) 121-136
  • “Bendahara yang tidak jujur? Lukas 16:1-15”, Jurnal STT INTIM, November 2002
  • Is Death the End? (SMBC Press, 1996)

Speaking Ministry:

  • Preaching at All Saints Anglican, North Epping;  St Barnabas, Yarramalong Valley; ARV Glenhaven
  • Global Missions Advance, SMBC
  • CTV/MTS Conference, Perth
  • Rural Bible Forum, Tasmania


Anthony and his wife Jenny (also a graduate of SMBC)  have four adult daughters. They enjoy bushwalking and cross-country skiing, and attend church at All Saints Anglican, North Epping.

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950