
Teaching and Pastoral

Rev Dr Ian Maddock

Head of Christian Thought

BSc (Hons) (UNSW), MDiv (SMBC/ACT), ThM (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), PhD (University of Aberdeen), FRHistS

Role at SMBC:

As the Head of the Christian Thought team, Ian oversees the teaching of theology, ethics and Christian history at SMBC. He creates opportunities for planning and collaboration amongst his team and, as part of the Academic Board, supports the Director for Teaching and Learning.

Prior to SMBC:

Most recently, Ian served as an ordained pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in New Haven, CT between 2008 and 2011.

Academic Interests:

Historical Theology, especially the theological and ecclesiological impact of the eighteenth century transatlantic evangelical revivals on contemporary evangelicalism; Baptist ecclesiology.

Publications and Research:


Book Chapters and Journal Articles

  • 'Catherine of Siena: Bride of Christ,' 'Anne Hutchinson: A Woman Unfit for our Society,' 'Anne Dutton: Calvinistic Controversialist,' ' Selina, Countess of Huntingdon: Queen of the Methodists,' and 'Corrie ten Boom: A time for war and a time for peace,' in 10 Dead Gals You Should Know: Leaving an Enduring Legacy. Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2023.
  • 'Anselm: Faith Seeking Understanding,' in 10 Dead Guys You Should Know: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Edited by Ian J. Maddock, 59-77. Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2021.
  • 'John Wesley: A Brand Plucked from the Burning,' in 10 Dead Guys You Should Know: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Edited by Ian J. Maddock, 143-163. Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2021.
  • 'Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship,' in 10 Dead Guys You Should Know: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Edited by Ian J. Maddock, 212-233. Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2021.
  • ''To those who are shut up from our Society': Symon Patrick’s Pastoral Ministry in London During the Great Plague of 1665,' Stimulus: The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice 27:2 (2020). 
  • ''The Whole World is My Parish': the Ecclesiological Conversions of Wesley and Whitefield,' Wesley and Whitefield? Wesley versus Whitefield? Edited by Ian J. Maddock. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, forthcoming, 2018.
  • ''Like One of the Old Apostles': the Acts of the Apostles and George Whitefield's criteria for describing preaching success,' Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 50:2 (November 2017) 76-90.
  • 'Preach and Print: The Role of Printed Sermons in the Ministries of George Whitefield, John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards,' in The Global Edwards: Papers from the Jonathan Edwards Congress held in Melbourne, 2015. Edited by Rhys S. Bezzant, 314-319. Australian College of Theology Monograph Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017.
  • 'Predestination Calmly Considered? Luther, Wesley and the Doctrine of Election,' in Reformation Quincentenary: Essays on the Thought, Practice and Impact of Martin Luther. Reformed Theological Review Supplement Series 5. Edited by Jared C. Hood, 198-218. Doncaster: Reformed Theological Review, 2017.
  • 'A Song Once Known: the Use of Psalm 77 by Calvin, Henry, Wesley and Simeon,' in Finding Lost Words: The Church's Right to Lament. Edited by G. G. Harper and K. Barker, 24-36. Australian College of Theology Monograph Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017. (Available for purchase from the SMBC online store)
  • 'Solving a Transatlantic Puzzle: George Whitefield, John Wesley and 'Free Grace' Indeed!', Wesley and Methodist Studies 8.1 (2016) 1-15.
  • 'George Whitefield: Christian Perfectionist?', Reformed Theological Review 74.3 (2015) 147-161.

Book Reviews

  • Review of Joel C. Gregory (ed.), Baptist Preaching: A Global Anthology (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014), Journal of Religious History (June, 2015)
  • Review of Geoffrey Chang, Spurgeon the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry (B&H, 2022) in Themelios 47.3 (2022).

Academic Papers Presented

  • "Remembering George Whitefield as a Preacher"; paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (November, 2020)
  • ''Pick me up and hurl me into the sea': what motivates Jonah's actions in Jonah 1:12?'; paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Atlanta, GA; November, 2015)
  • "Preach and print': the role of printed sermons in the ministries of Edwards, Whitefield and Wesley'; paper presented at the Jonathan Edwards Congress (Ridley College, Melbourne; August, 2015)
  • 'Like one of the old apostles': the influence of the Acts of the Apostles on George Whitefield's metrics for describing preaching success'; paper presented at the 2015 Conference of the Evangelical History Association (Sydney; August, 2015) and at the Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Atlanta, GA; November, 2015)
  • ''The whole world is now my parish’: a comparison of the ecclesiological conversions of John Wesley and George Whitefield'; paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (San Diego, CA; November, 2014).
  • ''Preach and Print’: The Nature and Role of Printed Sermons in the Public Ministries of John Wesley and George Whitefield'; paper presented at the Centre for the History of Christian Thought and Experience at Macquarie University (October, 2014) and at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Baltimore, MD; November, 2013).
  • 'George Whitefield: Christian Perfectionist?'; paper presented at the ‘George Whitefield at 300: An International Tercentenary Conference’ at Pembroke College, Oxford (June 2014) and at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Milwaukee, WI; November, 2012).
  • 'Justification in the preaching ministries of John Wesley and George Whitefield'; paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Atlanta, GA: November, 2010).
  • ''Free Grace’ versus ‘Free Grace’: George Whitefield, John Wesley and the Nature of the Gospel’; paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Providence, RI; November, 2008).
  • 'Solving a Transatlantic Puzzle? John Wesley, George Whitefield and ‘Free Grace Indeed!'; paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (San Diego, CA; November, 2007).

Speaking Ministry:

  • 'Does God control everything or do we have free will?'; Intellect (Wagga Wagga, April, 2015)
  • 'John Wesley and George Whitefield'; Dead Guys You Should Know (St Alban's Rooty Hill; January, 2015)


Ian is a dual Australian-American citizen, and has been married to Pam (a native Bostonian) since 2003.  They have three children and attend Petersham Baptist Church, where he serves as an elder.  In his spare time he enjoys long distance running and following the Boston Red Sox. In 2018 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. 

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