
Teaching and Pastoral

Rev Dr Karl Deenick

Lecturer in Theology and Practical Theology

B.Eng (Hons, Medal) (USyd), B.Th (Hons) (RTC/ACT), PhD (Ridley/ACT), Dip.Mus. (UTAS)

Role at SMBC:

Karl is the Community and Student Care Coordinator. He works alongside the Director for Community and Student care to ensure the holistic well-being of students and a vibrant college community life. He oversees an initiative to strengthen SMBC’s partnership with the churches of our students. He also lectures in theology and preaching.

Karl is currently the Acting Director of the Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry.

Prior to SMBC:

Karl studied electrical and telecommunications engineering at the University of Sydney (1997–2001) before working for the Department of Defence. He then studied for pastoral ministry at RTC. From 2011 to 2022 he served as the Senior Pastor of The Branch Church in Launceston (FIEC). While serving as a pastor, Karl also completed his PhD on circumcision, a surprisingly understudied topic, and also taught as a guest lecturer in theology for RTC in Melbourne (2017–2022).

Academic Interests:

Biblical theology, particularly the relationship between the Old Testament and the New; circumcision; baptism; ecclesiology; justification; and the work of the Spirit.


Book Chapters and Journal Articles:

  • 'As Many as Were Baptised: Re-Examining the Relationship Between Faith and Baptism in Galatians 3.27.' Journal for the Study of the New Testament 46 (2024): 511–33.
  • 'Circumcision,' in Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Edited by G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, and Andrew David Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2022.
  • 'Holy Spirit', 'Judgement', 'Church' and 'Resurrection and Eternal Life' in The New Believer’s Bible. Bible Society Australia, 2022.
  • 'Priest and King or Priest-King in 1 Samuel 2:35.' WTJ 73 (2011): 325–39.
  • 'Who Is the ‘I’ in Romans 7:14–25?' RTR 69 (2010): 119–30.

Online Publications:

Speaking Ministry:

  • 2023 The Glory and the Struggle of the Church (Reach Australia)
  • 2021 Surviving Disillusionment and Surviving Weakness (MTS Challenge Tas)
  • 2016 The Shape of Gospel Ministry (MTS Challenge Tas)


Karl has an eclectic range of interests. He plays trombone, sackbut (an early form of the trombone) and piano. He also enjoys mountain biking, gardening, listening to Bach, reading lots of books, and more recently, even baking and cooking.

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950