
Teaching and Pastoral

Rev Dr Kirk Patston

Director of the Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry, Lecturer in Old Testament and Practical Theology

B.App.Sc. (Cumberland), B.Th. (Hons) (MTC/ACT), Dip.Th.St. (PTC), M.Th. (MTC) Ph.D (University of Sydney)

Role at SMBC:

Kirk is the Director of the SMBC Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry. This role sees him ensuring that all college programs reflect a focus on ministry competencies, personal effectiveness, cultural intelligence, and communication skills. He coordinates the local college mission teams, oversees the biennial Ministry Practice Week, as well as lectures in practical theology and Old Testament units.

Prior to SMBC:

Kirk has a background in speech pathology and Presbyterian ministry and has been lecturing at SMBC since 2000. He has completed research degrees looking at the theology of mission in the book of Isaiah and the interaction of disability studies with the theme of otherness in the book of Job. 

Academic Interests:

Wisdom Literature, the relationship between the gospel and culture, and ministry with people with disabilities.

Publications and Research:

  • ‘Is the Bible Racist?’ CASE 48(2017): 14–17
  • PhD on 'Job, Otherness and Christian Theology of Disability' (2016)
  • ‘Review of Nigel Zimmerman: Levinas and Theology. (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark)’, 2013 Journal of Religious History 38 (2014):192.
  • ‘Disability Discrimination in the book of Job.’ A. Picard and M. Habets [eds], Theology and the Experience of Disability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Voices Down Under. London: Routledge, 2016, 41–52. 
  • Isaiah: Surprising Salvation. Reading the Bible Today. (Sydney South: Aquila, 2010). (Also available for purchase from SMBC online store)
  • ‘God’s Inefficient Creation: A Fresh Look at Disability in the Old Testament’ CASE 21(2009): 16–21.
  • ‘Introduction’ and ‘Jerrah: A Father’s Perspective’ in K. Hurley, Take Heart: For Families Living with Disability. (Sydney South: Blue Bottle, 2008), 8–12, 57­–62.

Speaking Ministry:

  • 2021 'The Kindness of God' Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC)
  • 2017  Isaiah at Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC)
  • 2016   ‘Gifts and Gains: Towards a Disability-Sensitive Reading of Ecclesiastes’ Exclusion and Embrace Conference, Melbourne
  • 2014  ‘Ostriches and Others: Disability in the book of Job’ at the Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World Unit, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego
  • 2014   ‘Leviathan’s Laughter’ Fellowship for Biblical Studies, Sydney
  • 2013  ‘Disability Discrimination in the book of Job’ at Theology, Disability and the People of God Conference, Auckland
  • 2013  'Surrendering to God in the Old Testament' at Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC)
  • 2011  Malachi at Next Generation Convention
  • 2010  Ecclesiastes and Isaiah in Northern Ireland
  • 2009  Ecclesiastes at Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC)
  • 2001  Deuteronomy at Katoomba Youth Leadership Convention


Kirk his wife, Lisa, shares an interest in connections between art and faith and enjoys the creativity of the Springwood Presbyterian Churches. They are the parents of two adult sons and among the Founders of Our Place Christian Communities – a ministry seeking to support accommodation and discipleship for adults with intellectual impairment. 

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950