Bible Talks

Principal’s Hour

5 August 2020    Derek Brotherson

Genesis 12:4-20 - The antidote to fear and doubt

Length: 58:50   Download MP3    Switch to Express version

Not long after Abram is called to be a blessing to all peoples, he finds himself in Egypt, spreading curse rather than blessing. What goes wrong? What lesson does he learn in Egypt? How does this lesson help us to live by faith?

Here are the artists and photographers who supported today's Culture Spot: Getty Museum, LA; Maria Rossenblatt, Rembrandt, 'Woman with Gloves'; Anne Karine Lemstra, 'Fruity Vermeer' (via Instagram account of Tussen Kunsten); Earthquake rubble by Angelo Giordano; field with camels - unknown; Stabat Mater by Rogier van der Weyden, Public Domain; photo of Dali painting by Howard Stanbury, Salvador Dali, 'Christ of Saint John of the Cross'.

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