Christian Ethics
AQF: 5/6/8 + SMBC Certificate level, hybrid

Friday Daytime Unit
PE001-512/612/812 + CT04
What does it mean to live a life worthy of the gospel? How can we properly discern what is ‘right’ and ‘good’ in our post-Christian world? How are we to apply our understanding of God’s will to the complex ethical questions facing Christians today?
The aim of this unit is to engage with Scripture in order to develop a coherent ethical framework for thinking and acting, living and loving as faithful disciples of Christ in the 21st century. Our approach will be biblical, systematic and practical.
We will survey the Bible’s ethical teaching and evaluate the major ethical theories. We will also see how the Bible’s teaching applies to a range of issues, e.g. divorce and remarriage, homosexuality and transgenderism, abortion and euthanasia. Throughout we will wrestle with how to engage in productive ethical conversations with both Christians and non-Christians alike.
Lecturer: Rev Dr Rob Smith
AQF level: 5/6/8 + SMBC certificate level
Lecture Mode: hybrid*
Times: Fridays 9.40am–10.30am + 10.55am–11.45am + 11.50am–12.40pm
Dates: 14, 21 February; 7, 14, 28 March; 4 April; 2, 9, 16, 30 May; 6, 14 June 2025 (Exam period = 23–27 June)
Location: Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132
Credit Points:
APE001 = 36hr - Audit (no assessments)
CT04 = 36hr - SMBC Certificate
PE001-512 = 12 credit points (1 unit) – UCMin, UCTh, DipTh, AssocDeg, BMin, BTh
PE001-612 = 12 credit points (1 unit) – BDiv
PE001-812 = 12 credit points (1 unit) – GDDiv, MMin, MDiv, MTS
Tuition Fees:
Audit = $475
AQF unit levels 5-7 (12 credit points) = $2,853 (Overseas student = $3,288)
AQF unit levels 8-9 (12 credit points) = $3,162 (Overseas student = $3,642)
For further details see Costs
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On-Campus: units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only
Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online-only, that is, a mix of online lectures, videos, activities and interaction with lecturers and fellow students.
Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.