
SMBC 2024 Global Missions Conference

SMBC 2024 Global Missions Conference

TOPIC: One Body: Unifying the Global Church in Mission
WHEN: Wednesday 31 July - Friday 2 August 2024
WHERE: SMBC Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132
WHO: All those who want to grow their understanding and passion for God's mission
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Gina Zurlo and Flavio DeSilva
TICKETS: In person: Full Conference $195 | Single Day $70 (Thur $85) | Evening Session $20 | or Full Conference Online $60/person


The global church has changed. While churches battle decline in Western countries, churches in South America, Africa, and many parts of Asia continue to grow. There are also many people being sent out as missionaries from these countries to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This must change the way we participate in global mission. But how? Many are saying it needs to happen, but few can help us discern the path ahead.

The SMBC 2024 Global Missions Conference will focus on how the global church can unite and serve together to take the gospel to the unreached peoples around the world. To help us explore these issues, we will be joined by internationally known speakers Dr Flavio DeSilva and Dr Gina Zurlo. 

Flavio is Brazilian, has served as a missionary in South Asia for 14 years and is now the Associate International Director for Pioneers International. He has a doctorate from Fuller Seminary and is passionate about facilitating international partnership in global missions.

Gina is a researcher and author whose work intersects history, sociology, and World Christianity. She is the co-editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia and has authored several books including Women in World Christianity and Global Christianity. She made the list of the BBC’s 100 most influential and inspiring women of 2019 for her work in religious statistics and particularly the role of women in religion worldwide.

There will also be various workshops and panels to where people with years of cross-cultural experience in various contexts will help us to press into the practice of mission in a changing world. Join us for three days of capturing a vision of how God is using His children from everywhere to take the gospel to everywhere.


We'd love you to let the people in your life know about this conference. The conference will suit teams, groups and individuals. You can come for one, two or three days or just the special Thursday evening session. Keep an eye out on our social media, or use this 16:9 slide or digital flyer to help spread the word.


8.30am – Tea and coffee
9.00am – Welcome, prayer and song
9.10am – Talk: 'God's Relentless Mission Prepares the Picture' with Flavio DeSilva
                   – Missionary Report 
10.30am – Morning Tea
11.10am – Talk: 'Trends in Global Christianity, 1900–2050' with Gina Zurlo
12.40pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Workshops
3.00pm – Afternoon Tea and close

8.30am – Tea and coffee
9.00am – Welcome, prayer and song
9.10am – Talk: 'God's Relentless Mission Provokes Power' with Flavio DeSilva
                   – Missionary Report
10.30am – Morning Tea
11.10pm – 3 TED-style talks + panel: 'Our Church’s Contribution to Global Missions and Challenges We Face'
12.40pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Workshops
3.00pm – Afternoon Tea and close

7.00pm – Welcome, prayer and song
7.10pm – Talk: 'World Religions and Gospel Access' with Gina Zurlo
8.20pm – Book Launch and Q&A: 'Engaging Neighbours and Nations: Factors Shaping Local Church Patterns of Involvement in Mission' with Dr Tim Silberman
8.40pm – Close

8.30am – Tea and coffee
9.00am – Welcome, prayer and song
9.10am – Talk: God's Relentless Mission Promotes Progress' with Flavio DeSilva
                   – Missionary Report 
10.30am – Morning Tea
11.10am – Talk: 'Women in World Christianity: Challenges and Opportunities' with Gina Zurlo
12.40pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Workshop: 'Talents Unleashed: Leveraging Strengths in North-South Partnerships' with Flavio DeSilva
2.30pm – Q&A with Flavio DeSilva and Gina Zurlo
3.00pm – Afternoon Tea and close


  1. On-campus tickets include Morning Tea, lunch and Afternoon Tea. Vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options will be available (there's no need to special order).
  2. The Full Conference and Thursday One Day tickets include Thursday dinner and evening session.
  3. The online option will be via Zoom.

43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132
Helpful maps:
Burwood Station to Croydon Campus
Croydon Station to Croydon Campus
Street parking at Croydon Campus

Learn more about the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950