Christianity in History to 1550
AQF: 5/6/8, hybrid
Wednesday Daytime Unit
Who we are is very much a product of our personal history and experiences. The same can be said of families, people groups, even whole countries. As Christians, we have a shared collective history of thought and experiences that make up who the church is today. Christian History not only helps us to understand ourselves, but it also reminds us how God has sovereignly worked throughout the centuries.
In this unit, we’ll examine how the first generations of Christians lived and thrived as a persecuted minority in the wealthy, secular society of the Roman Empire. We’ll follow in the footsteps of the first Celtic missionaries who shared the gospel to the far ends of their known world. We’ll look at how the position and office of the Pope emerged, and investigate how, with the command to love our neighbours, the Crusades could possibly have occurred. Finally, we’ll observe how God brought together events and people to bring about the Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century.
Lecturers: Rachel Ciano and Jasmine Lee
AQF level: 5/6/8
Lecture Mode: hybrid*
Times: Wednesdays 9.40am-10.30am + 10.55am–11.45am
Dates: 12, 19, 26 February; 5, 12, 19, 26 March; 2, 30 April; 7, 14, 21, 28 May; 4 June 2025 (Exam period = 16–20 June)
Location: Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132
Credit Points:
ACH001 = 36hrs - Audit (no assessments)
CH001-512 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - UCMin, UCTh, DipCS, DipMin, DipTh, AdDipMin, AdDipTh, AssocDegMin, AssocDegTh, BMin, BTh
CH001-612 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - BDiv
CH001-812 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - GDDiv, MMin, MDiv, MICS, MTS
Tuition Fees:
Audit = $475
AQF unit levels 5-7 (12 credit points) = $2,853 (Overseas student = $3,288)
AQF unit levels 8-9 (12 credit points) = $3,162 (Overseas student = $3,642)
For further details see Costs
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On-Campus: units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only
Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online-only, that is, a mix of online lectures, videos, activities and interaction with lecturers and fellow students.
Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.